a day in the life of minster

Sunday, June 28, 2009

So what really happened...

A couple months ago I visited my friend's home past Rosarito or Ensenada thereabouts.  I ran a fever and became extremely week for a day or so.  This is a start to a series of unfortunate debilitating ailments.  I am reviewing the facts with you, and thereby perhaps help you understand how to avoid getting sick.  

Well, at first I thought I had the swine flu because this was at the same time when there was a 
big scare on this spreading across the nation.  The fever I had was caused by a variety of things.  If you ever interested, I can tell you more in person.   The weakened immune system gave way to a particular infection that showed up on my leg.  I believe now that this primary infection lead to a secondary infection or the staph infection.  The initial sign of this was just an appearance of a  spider bite.  The area become inflamed in a few days and it was hot to the touch.  Ignorance is dangerous!  I thought I should wrap the infected area with a bandaide.  This is a NO, NO.  Since bacteria breeds in an anaerobic environment, the infection grew faster than it would have otherwise.  Meanwhile, the doctor gave me antibiotics, but that did me no good.   These penicillin based antibiotics were the cause of my serious dermatitis that I would later get.  

Anyhow, after much research, I have found the following info on this that is extremely useful to those that may be suffering from MRSA, the superbug.  I just realized that the worst thing that could happen is to be in the dark.  I can now better understand what it is like for people with cancer or other hard to cure disease.  What is more worst than to contract such a disease is the fact that you have no knowledge what to do or how to slow down its attack on your body.  You feel so helpless and frustrated with the world and yourself.  The thoughts of whether you are going to die crosses your mind, and if that happens, you think of the people that you leave behind and how they will be affected by your loss.  

It was to my relief that though my symptoms were serious, I was curable with the right medications.  The doctors said that if my airways would have closed up because of the inflamation, my life would have been in jeopardy.   He didn't think I was serious enough to really be in the hospital.  I said that I wanted to be under the hospital's supervision just in case something might have happened.  Mortality doesn't appear so close until I was faced with the reality of it when my conditions progressively gotten worst.  

Anyhow, I am so grateful that everything turned back to normal.  I was up on my feet after  couple of days.   Although I would rather not have gone through this experience, I felt I needed to have gone through this because I needed to slow down and rethink everything.  I needed to clear up a few issues and began seriously spending time working on them.   

While sitting and thinking about this whole experience at church the other day, I heard the speaker shared this scripture which brought home this message and beautiful illustrate my feelings.  "Fear not to do good, my sons [and daughters], for whatsoever ye sow, that shall ye also reap; therefore, if ye sow good ye shall also reap good for your reward.  Therefore, fear not, little flock; do good; let earth and hell combine against you, for if ye are built upon my rock, they cannot prevail."  



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